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136 results for Bhutan
Bird Watching Tour

Bird Watching Tour

Bhutan is a birder’s paradise, boasts of birds not found in other parts of the world and is recognized as one of the 221 global endemic bird areas. This one full day birding tour will take you through Ura valley and Thrumshingla Pass at 3750 meters above the sea level. Brace yourself to spot some rare birds today.

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Private tour
14 Days Bhutan Cultural Tour With 2-Day Trek in Bumthang Valley

14 Days Bhutan Cultural Tour With 2-Day Trek in Bumthang Valley

Travel to five western districts of Bhutan and delve in to discover why this tiny Kingdom chose to remain secluded for centuries. Visit magnificent fortresses and temples that dot hilltops and strategic locations against the backdrop of soaring mountains adorned with snows and forests. Marvel at the pristine environment and age-old traditions of the magical Kingdom of Bhutan so well preserved that the outside world calls it ‘Last Shangri-La’. This 14 Days and 13 Nights trip include a 2-Day trek in the central Bhutan district of Bumthang known as the ‘cultural heartland of Bhutan’. The 2-Day trek is fairly easy that takes you through rich forests, beautiful valleys and along crystal-clear rivers filled with trouts. There are plenty of ancient temples to visit and pass through a number of typical Bhutanese villages where you can stop and rest offering you an opportunity to understand the culture and traditions of Bhutan.

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6 Nights Exclusive Bhutan Tour

6 Nights Exclusive Bhutan Tour

6 Nights Exclusive Bhutan Tour is the package of 7 days tour in the Kingdom of Thunder Dragon. The tour encompasses the famous cities of Bhutan including the colorful Paro, tiny capital Thimphu, the fertile valley Punakha, and the beautiful Haa Valley. Best of Bhutan Tour also lets an opportunity to hike to the Taktsang Monastery, also known as the Tiger’s Nest, a unique landmark of Bhutan and to the Khamsum Yueley Namgyel Chorten. The tours goes around the green valley of Paro, proceeding towards the tiny capital Thimphu and the old capital-Punakha and ends back at Paro.

Private tour
10 Days Private Tour in Central Bhutan

10 Days Private Tour in Central Bhutan

In this tour you will explore central Bhutan which is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty. Immerse yourself in the unique culture, try Bhutanese cuisine, and enjoy the serene landscapes. Bhutan is a country with a strong emphasis on Gross National Happiness, so take the time to connect with the locals and experience the joyous atmosphere! also visit most highlighted places like Tiger's Nest Monastery.

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Private tour
Discover Bhutan 7 Days package

Discover Bhutan 7 Days package

Each trip through is a Holiday of a Lifetime. Licensed by the Tourism Council of Bhutan and managed by a team of dedicated and committed professionals, with vast experience in tourism business. Our local experts make sure that you get the Best out of Bhutan Tour. Our policies and practices ensure that all our tours are undertaken in a way that is socially and culturally acceptable and environmentally friendly. We are committed to responsible Tourism and giving back to the community " We Create unforgettable experiences :) "

Private tour
17 Nights Laya Gasa Trek with Royal Highland festival

17 Nights Laya Gasa Trek with Royal Highland festival

The Laya-Gasa Trek is one of the most scenic treks in Bhutan, offering amazing views of some of the most pristine and unspoiled landscapes in Bhutan. This trek begins in Paro and takes you through gorgeous alpine meadows and through Jigme Singye National Park and offer awe-inspiring views of Mt. Jomolhari, Jichu Drake and Tsherimgang. Along the trail you’ll be able to spot indigenous animals such as blue sheep and Takins, the national animal of Bhutan. You’ll travel through remote mountain villages inhabited by Layaps (people of Laya), a distinct segment of the Bhutanese society with unique culture, traditions and appearance. The trek also offers a day of relaxation at the famous Gasa hot springs that is sure to rejuvenate you. This is one of the more difficult treks offered in Bhutan due to the high altitudes and steep ascents and descents along the path. The best seasons to complete this challenge are in April-June and Mid-September-Mid-November.

Private tour
Druk Path Trek: Discover The Raw Natural Beauty of Bhutan

Druk Path Trek: Discover The Raw Natural Beauty of Bhutan

This trek is the paradise for the wanderlust souls. The trek offers an opportunity to see Bhutan in its raw natural beauty. The Druk Path Trek is a 4-day trek that begins at Damchena, Paro and ends at Thimphu or vice versa. Connecting the arid Paro valley to the lush forests above Thimphu, the Druk Path trek stands as the most popular hiking expedition in Bhutan. Its alluring features include mountain monasteries, breath taking alpine landscapes, and the advantage of commencing your trek right from your point of entry into Bhutan, eliminating the need to waste days on lengthy drives to reach the trailheads. This trek is feasible from late February to May and from September to December. Before the Trek begins ,you will be hiking to Tiger Nest for acclimatization.

Private tour
Bhutan Birding Tour

Bhutan Birding Tour

Bhutan is a paradise for bird lovers and ornithology. Over 670 species of birds have been recorded and many more are yet to be discovered. Around 50 species of the known birds are winter migrants. These include ducks, waders, birds of prey, thrushes, finches and buntings. Bhutan is home to many species of birds that are in danger of extinction, including the Imperial Heron, which is one of the fifty rarest birds in the world and the rare Black-Necked Crane, which breeds in Tibet and then migrates over the Himalayas to Bhutan during the winter months. The Cranes can be spotted in Phobjikha Valley in Western Bhutan, Bumthang in Central Bhutan and 43 in Bomdeling in Eastern Bhutan. They migrate to these winter roosting sites in the months of September and October and fly back to Tibet between February and March.

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Feeling Bhutan- Private personalized tour of the capital city Thimphu

Feeling Bhutan- Private personalized tour of the capital city Thimphu

Get an insight into bhutan through my personalized tour of the city. Learn about bhutan and my homland through my experiences. Giving you a personalized tour of thimphu in a day to give you a true bhutanese experience

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Private tour
Private Tour: Glimpses of Bhutan 6 Days

Private Tour: Glimpses of Bhutan 6 Days

6 Days private full board tour of Bhutan will be a unique experience. Bhutan awaits those seeking a pampered getaway with the promise of discovery as the country's had many cultural & religious wonders. Bhutan promises to charm you with an unspoiled ancient landscape & quietly challenge your view of the world. The private trip is lead by one of Bhutanese licensed guide. 

Private tour