Slovenia is a pleasant and easy destination to visit, with architecturally great, cultural cities and lush pine-forested countryside ideal for summer hiking and bicycling and winter skiing. During the chaotic collapse of the Yugoslav Republic, the country avoided much of the conflict that affected other nations, and it has swiftly merged with Western Europe, entering the eurozone at the beginning of 2007. Slovenes adopted their conquerors' culture while maintaining a strong sense of ethnic identity through their Slavic language, which was administered by German-speaking Habsburg masters until 1918.
For each person, the optimal time to visit Slovenia is different. From December to March, the alpine northwest receives plenty of snow, while May to September brings warm, dry weather that is suitable for climbing, hiking, cycling, and adventure sports. By late May, snowmelt has made white water rafting a viable option. The Adriatic coast and the Primorska area inland feature hot summers, spectacular fall colors, and mild winters. Summers are hot and dry throughout the rest of the nation, while winters are harsh. Many of the sights, notably Ljubljana, are open all year.